Over the past weekend the WVFC handled four calls for service including two vehicle accidents and two fire alarm activations.
9/30 @ 1630 hours: Initially dispatched as a vehicle fire in the 400 BLK of Texter Mt. Rd. in Heidelberg Twp., Engine 47 arrived on scene and found no fire but a vehicle failed to negotiate a curve, struck a rock and overturned back onto it's wheels. The occupants were not injured.
10/1 @ 0719 hours: Single vehicle into a tree in the 100 BLK of Mountain Ave. in Heidelberg Twp. Engine 26 handled as there was no driver around
10/1 @ 1635 hours: 105 Cocalico Rd. at Envigo, Millcreek Twp.. Ladder 47 due and assisted the Newmanstown FC with checking finding no cause for the alarm.
10/1 @ 2243 hours: 291 S. Sheridan Rd. at Kountry Kraft Kitchens in Millcreek Twp. Ladder 47 due again and assisted the Newmanstown FC with checking the interior of the building finding no cause for the alarm. |